
About Me

About Me
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Name: Brittany
Nickname: Brit-Brit, Shorty, Munchkin butt(ONLY by my sisters)
Gender: Female
Birthday: March 20.
sign: Pieces. Yep that's right. The stupid fish.
siblings: 2 sisters
hair color: brunette
eye color: brown
height: vertically challenged
where is your favorite place to shop: PacSun, Anchor Blue, Old Navy, Hollister
any tattoos or piercing: 1 hole in each ear; 1 tattoo
do you do drugs: Never.
what kind of shampoo do you use? Some Japanese herbal shampoo that smells like peppermint. Mmmm...
what are you most scared of?: Rejection, spiders, bees/wasps, roaches...
what are you listening to right now?: "Am I Missing" by Dashboard Confessional.
who is the last person that called you?: My mother...
where do you want to get married? The beach. I love the beach.
color: Dark blues. None of that sky blue and baby blue stuff
food: Chinese and Mexican
Favorite Subjects in school: World History, English
animals: Dogs.
sports: Soccer.
favorite actor/actress: Sarah Michelle Gellar
genre of music: Emo/Rock/Indie
favorite band: Dashboard Confessional
smoked?: Never. I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.
bungee jumped: I want to.
made yourself throw up?: Never.
skinny dipped?: Hmmm....a world of no.
been in love?: Love? Thought so but that didn't end up well...
made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Hehe....erm no.
cried when someone died?: I try not to, but yeah.
lied: If you say you've never lied, you're lying right now.
done something you regret?: Of course.
you touched: ? The keyboard?
hugged: My friends.
you yelled at: at my ex-best friend
you kissed: My mommy...
coke or pepsi: Neither actually.
flowers or candy: Flowers.
what do you notice first: Eyes, Personality, Smile...
makes you laugh the most: Sarcasm, randomness.
makes you smile: My family and friends.
changed so much: I used to care, but now I don't.
I know: I have a purpose in this world. What it is...I hope I find out soon.
I want: a lasting relationship
I have: klutziness
I wonder: Will things will get better.
I regret: Nothing yet...
I love: My family, friends, music, photography...
gold or silver: Silver.
what was the last film you saw at the movies?: White Noise(absolutely horrible btw)
What did you have for breakfast this morning?: Nothing. I don't like to eat breakfast.
who would you love being locked in a room with?: Brad Pitt or Jake Gyllenhal. Hotness...
could you live without your computer? Nope.
would you color your hair? I have blond highlights right now so yeah.

This site is not official. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its characters, and the Buffy logo are property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and Twentieth Century Fox. The fanart is copyright to me and I'd appreciate it if you do not steal my work.